Latest Healthcare Technology to Use Marketing Strategies to Improve Patient Health

In Healthcare by dan.bergner

STUART, FL – OCTOBER 23, 2013 – To meet the healthcare industry’s growing demand for improved interventions and better health outcomes, Synaptic Advisory Partners (SynapticAP) has developed a risk stratification application based on data-mining, a popular and successful marketing strategy that, in essence, predicts a person’s behavior.

Retail outlets use this strategy day in and day out to determine a consumer’s purchasing behavior, for instance, one popular retailer determined a customer was pregnant based on her purchasing patterns allowing them to send more targeted promotions to her.

Risk stratification is similar in that it allows providers to identify patient’s’ future healthcare needs based on current behaviors. This information empowers providers to create interventions that affect behavior changes, which in turn will impact the patient’s health today and in the future; subsequently driving down healthcare costs.

“Risk stratification is one of the many new tools we will need as we begin to practice population-based care,” said David B. Nash, MD, MBA, founding Dean of the Jefferson School of Population Health. Dr. Nash is internationally recognized for his work in outcomes management, medical staff development, and quality-of-care improvement. His work has appeared in more than 100 scholarly articles.

“With the shift from fee-for-service to a value-based system, providers are under tremendous pressure to improve patient and population health outcomes, reduce readmissions and reduce costs across the continuum of care,” said Tom Boosinger, CEO of SynapticAP. “Our application (Synapse) simplifies the very complex process of identifying current and future super-users and intuitively creates customized treatment plans based on patient data.”

Population (risk) stratification is a statistical analysis of patient data using specific biomarkers (health issues) to create subgroups within a patient population; for instance, Mr. Smith suffers from hypertension, is obese, and has a pattern of tobacco use. The predictive modeling feature would take these conditions, along with Mr. Smith’s age, height, weight, ethnicity, and other demographic data into consideration identifying potential subgroups for Mr. Smith.

Synapse tracks the patterns of all subgroups and their At Risk members for two primary purposes. First, to allow care teams to react and provide care for At Risk members, and second, to identify members who do not yet meet At Risk criteria but are showing signs of becoming At Risk in the near future. With this approach to population stratification, Synapse hopes to enable care teams to provide proactive treatment plans as never before.

Synaptic Advisory Partners specializes in the development and deployment of secure cloud-based enterprise solutions for medium and large business units in the health and life sciences industries worldwide. For more information, visit